
Acuity Is Your Go-to Market for Contractors
From labor shortages to increased material costs, your contracting clients face many challenges, but insurance should not be one of them. Our contracting expertise means you can trust Acuity to deliver the coverage your clients need and the market-leading services that make insurance easy.
97% customer claims satisfaction

We want the claim process to be a calming one. Your satisfaction is extremely important to us. So, when a claim comes in, we'll put your mind at ease and make sure you know we're here for you.
Discover what makes Acuity a top-rated insurer. Read real 5-star reviews from satisfied customers who trust Acuity with their insurance needs!
We service accounts regardless of size or premium and love getting requests and questions from accounts because we are here to make a difference.
While other carriers struggle, Acuity’s 2024 results showcase unparalleled stability and financial strength, with nearly 21% companywide growth and GAAP assets hitting an all-time high of $7.6 billion. Discover how Acuity’s strategic moves in commercial and personal lines are setting new industry benchmarks.

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