Industry Articles

Q&A | Trucker Filings
Having the appropriate filings in place is critical for truckers. Not having the proper filings can result in downtime, lost loads, financial penalties, and even suspension or revocation of their authority.
Thanks to you, our push for work comp continues to succeed!
While other carriers struggle, Acuity’s 2024 results showcase unparalleled stability and financial strength, with nearly 21% companywide growth and GAAP assets hitting an all-time high of $7.6 billion. Discover how Acuity’s strategic moves in commercial and personal lines are setting new industry benchmarks.
Learn what sets Acuity apart in the insurance industry, with customers raving about their seamless, top-tier claims experience.
With cyber losses skyrocketing to $12.5 billion, protecting your clients has never been more critical. Discover how Acuity's cyber insurance can help.
Learn how Acuity's checklists and safety resources can help your clients with unoccupied units, tenant turnover, and site inspections.

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