Agency of the Month

Joseph M. Wiedemann & Sons Strives to be Clients’ Single-Source Solution
With a focus on personalized service and a full array of coverage options, this family-run agency is thriving as it approaches its 100th year.
Taking care of clients isn’t just a priority for the Barker Weber Insurance Agency—it’s a principle that guides every decision the agency makes.
For over 75 years, Klinner Insurance has been proud to adhere to an approach to business built on the philosophy that “Nice Matters.” The agency has nine shared values that flow from this belief, but none is more important than the last: the Golden Rule.
Headquartered near Salt Lake City, Utah, Cottonwood Insurance has built a reputation for service excellence in the state. The agency’s accolades include being named a 2023 Salt City Best Gold Winner and maintaining an impressive 4.9 out of 5-star rating from customers based on nearly 500 Google reviews.

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