Tips For Your Next DOT Compliance Audit

Discover what triggers a DOT compliance review and get actionable tips for improving safety practices and staying audit-ready.
January 22, 2025 | Trucker
By: Cliff J.
I bring over 30 years of trucking industry experience to Acuity. I worked my way up from driving to managing the safety operations of a transportation company, culminating in owning and managing my own regional trucking company. My main goal at Acuity is to help you, the motor carrier, the owner/operator and the driver better understand the insurance industry and help shape Acuity’s products and services to better meet your needs. I regularly provide ongoing trucking training to Acuity employees to help them understand the unique needs of those in the trucking/transportation industry. With over 30 years in the transportation sector, as both a company driver and as owner and manager of a trucking company, I have first-hand experience that helps me understand the challenges truckers’ face, and detailed knowledge of transportation regulations. My experience coupled with a background in insurance loss control can help answer and provide solutions to any issues that may arise.

Has this ever happened to you?

It's late on a busy Wednesday afternoon. You're wrapping up your day when another call comes in—but this one is different. This call immediately causes anxiety because you're unsure how to proceed. The caller is a safety investigator from the Department of Transportation (DOT), and they inform you that they'll be visiting your office the following Tuesday for a complete compliance review.

They email you a list of documents they'll be reviewing during the audit—several of which you’ve never seen before. You feel your blood pressure rising and wish you could be anywhere else, but the reality of the situation demands your attention.

You might be wondering why this is happening and what triggered the DOT audit. Common factors include:

  • High CSA BASIC scores in alert status.
  • A high crash rate prompting DOT scrutiny into contributing causes.
  • A complaint from an employee or member of the public alleging a lack of safety practices or controls within your company.

If this stressful situation sounds familiar—or like something you'd prefer to avoid—there’s a proactive step you can take: familiarize yourself with the documentation the DOT will audit. Chances are, you're already doing much of what’s required, even if some processes are informal or undocumented. The key is to formalize and document these practices as part of your company’s management processes.

A great place to start is conducting your own internal DOT Carrier Compliance Questionnaire. This exercise will help identify gaps and guide you toward safer, more efficient, and more profitable trucking operations.

Let’s face it: trucking is a capital-intensive business. To stay profitable, efficiency is critical. It’s neither efficient nor cost-effective to put an unqualified driver behind the wheel of expensive equipment or to neglect safety management practices. By prioritizing safety today, you can enhance efficiency and avoid costly compliance issues tomorrow.

For further information and tools, access the DOT Carrier Compliance Questionnaire within Acuity’s Motor Carrier Tool Box

By: Cliff J.
I bring over 30 years of trucking industry experience to Acuity. I worked my way up from driving to managing the safety operations of a transportation company, culminating in owning and managing my own regional trucking company. My main goal at Acuity is to help you, the motor carrier, the owner/operator and the driver better understand the insurance industry and help shape Acuity’s products and services to better meet your needs. I regularly provide ongoing trucking training to Acuity employees to help them understand the unique needs of those in the trucking/transportation industry. With over 30 years in the transportation sector, as both a company driver and as owner and manager of a trucking company, I have first-hand experience that helps me understand the challenges truckers’ face, and detailed knowledge of transportation regulations. My experience coupled with a background in insurance loss control can help answer and provide solutions to any issues that may arise.