Behind the Wheel: Mental Health Challenges for Truck Drivers

In the demanding world of trucking, often characterized by its perceived toughness, it's essential to acknowledge the hidden struggles faced by drivers. Studies reveal that loneliness, depression, sleep disturbances, anxiety, and other emotional challenges are prevalent among truckers, emphasizing the critical need for support and resources within the community.
May 15, 2024 | Trucker
By: Cliff J.
I bring over 30 years of trucking industry experience to Acuity. I worked my way up from driving to managing the safety operations of a transportation company, culminating in owning and managing my own regional trucking company. My main goal at Acuity is to help you, the motor carrier, the owner/operator and the driver better understand the insurance industry and help shape Acuity’s products and services to better meet your needs. I regularly provide ongoing trucking training to Acuity employees to help them understand the unique needs of those in the trucking/transportation industry. With over 30 years in the transportation sector, as both a company driver and as owner and manager of a trucking company, I have first-hand experience that helps me understand the challenges truckers’ face, and detailed knowledge of transportation regulations. My experience coupled with a background in insurance loss control can help answer and provide solutions to any issues that may arise.

There is a perceived toughness of truck drivers in the transportation industry, and seasoned veterans know you need to have thick skin to do the job, but there is another side to life on the road. Due to the nature of trucking, studies show that drivers face increased challenges, such as loneliness (27.9%), depression (26.9%), chronic sleep disturbances (20.6%), anxiety (14.5%), and other emotional problems (13%). With approximately 3.5 million professional truck drivers in the United States, according to estimates by the American Trucking Association, truckers must understand they are not alone in their struggles. Many people, from children to adults, struggle with mental health needs, and as our society increases its awareness of these needs, the availability of support resources also improves.

Listed below are four common issues truck drivers face that can affect mental health.

  1. Stress. Truck driving is often stressful. Heavy stop-and-go traffic, weather changes, unexpected delays, mechanical problems, and miscommunication are just some of the issues that can affect stress levels.
  2. Isolation. For many drivers, being away from family is one of the most challenging aspects of the job. Spending long hours alone can contribute to feelings of isolation. Drivers may feel guilty when they cannot be there for their families. They may face an internal battle when balancing their need to make a living with their desire for quality time at home.
  3. Diet. Nearly 70 percent of truck drivers in the United States are obese, compared to the national average of around 40 percent, according to the CDCDrivers often have limited access to healthy food choices. According to the Mayo Clinic, several studies have found that those with poor diets were more likely to report symptoms of depression. The good news is that people who ate a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and fish were less likely to report depression.
  4. Sleep. Lack of proper sleep is a significant risk factor in reduced mental health. Studies indicate that many truck drivers get less sleep than recommended. Additionally, conditions such as insomnia, restless legs syndrome, and sleep apnea are prevalent among truck drivers and can significantly impact sleep quality and quantity. A study by the University of Pennsylvania found that 28 percent of truck drivers have mild to severe sleep apnea. 

Mental health issues can significantly impact the ability to drive safely, including:

  • Cognitive Functioning. Mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, or PTSD can impair the ability to focus, make decisions, and react quickly to changing road conditions, which can increase the risk of accidents.
  • Fatigue and Sleep Problems. Mental health issues often coexist with sleep disturbances, such as insomnia or nightmares. Poor sleep quality or sleep disorders can lead to fatigue and drowsiness while driving, impairing alertness and increasing the likelihood of accidents.
  • Impaired Judgment. Drivers with mental health issues may take unnecessary risks or drive recklessly due to impaired judgment.
  • Substance Abuse. Some individuals may turn to alcohol or drugs to cope with mental health issues, leading to substance abuse problems that can impair driving abilities and increase the risk of accidents.
  • Emotional Instability. Mental health issues can result in emotional instability, causing drivers to experience mood swings, anger outbursts, or emotional breakdowns while driving, which can impair their ability to control the vehicle safely.

We all need to take mental health seriously and work together to break down the social stigma surrounding it, particularly within the trucking community. If you, a friend, or a family member is affected, they need to know they’re not alone in their struggles. If any symptoms of depression are occurring, it’s time to seek professional help. Free helplines are available, and people call for a variety of reasons. Most reach out when they’re feeling overwhelmed, in crisis, or at risk of doing something they would later regret.

Helpline resources include:

  • Emergency Medical Services (911).  If the situation is potentially life-threatening, get immediate emergency assistance by calling 911.
  • SAMHSA Treatment Referral Helpline (877.726.4727). Get general information on mental health and locate treatment services in your area. Speak to a live person, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline(800.273.8255). If you or someone you know is suicidal or in emotional distress, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. You can reach trained crisis workers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your confidential and toll-free call goes to the nearest crisis center in the national network. These centers provide crisis counseling and mental health referrals. They also have a live online chat. 
By: Cliff J.
I bring over 30 years of trucking industry experience to Acuity. I worked my way up from driving to managing the safety operations of a transportation company, culminating in owning and managing my own regional trucking company. My main goal at Acuity is to help you, the motor carrier, the owner/operator and the driver better understand the insurance industry and help shape Acuity’s products and services to better meet your needs. I regularly provide ongoing trucking training to Acuity employees to help them understand the unique needs of those in the trucking/transportation industry. With over 30 years in the transportation sector, as both a company driver and as owner and manager of a trucking company, I have first-hand experience that helps me understand the challenges truckers’ face, and detailed knowledge of transportation regulations. My experience coupled with a background in insurance loss control can help answer and provide solutions to any issues that may arise.