
5 Safety Tips for the Summer
The summer is a great time for everyone, but no one enjoys summer quite the way kids do—no school, plenty of free time out in the sun playing with friends, spending weeks at camp making new friends, or keeping the summer heat away with some fun in the water. But as all parents know, with fun activities comes a little bit of risk.
Celebrate safely: Discover 5 essential tips for firework safety this season. Protect your loved ones and property while enjoying the festivities.
In the demanding world of trucking, often characterized by its perceived toughness, it's essential to acknowledge the hidden struggles faced by drivers. Studies reveal that loneliness, depression, sleep disturbances, anxiety, and other emotional challenges are prevalent among truckers, emphasizing the critical need for support and resources within the community.
Crashes cost motor carriers money! Whether it is in bent up metal, lost cargo, or an injured employee, the costs add up. But did you know slips, trips, and falls may be the industry’s most overlooked and underappreciated threat to drivers’ health and well-being? In fact, an article in points out that almost 80 percent of trucker fall injuries occur close to the cab and not the trailer, box, catwalk, etc., and more than half occur when dismounting.
Whether you are a motorcycle newbie or a seasoned rider, going on a short jaunt or a long road trip, you must ensure you have all the safety essentials. These invaluable items protect you while on the open road.
Falls are a leading cause of workplace injuries, especially in the construction industry. So what can be done to combat this?

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