Starting a business

Tips for Reducing Retail Shrink
Reducing shrinkage in your business can seem like an insurmountable task, because it involves all areas of your operations. Most retail shrinkage is caused by external theft (37%), employee theft (28.5%), and process or control failures (25.7%)
4 Coverages You Probably Don't Have But Should Consider
When it comes to insurance for a retail business, there are several coverages—like liability and property coverage— that immediately come to mind. For a retailer, these coverages make sense, but once you look deeper, there are other risks that retailers face and additional coverages that should be considered.
If you are operating a business out of your home, it is important to make sure you are properly covered. Home-based business insurance can protect you and your business.
Yes, you need insurance coverage for your Etsy or Amazon retail business. While you may not have a physical store where a customer could slip and fall or something else could go physically wrong, you are interacting with customers, and you need insurance for the transaction of selling your product. The insurance you need depends on what you are selling and how you are selling it.
The holiday season is coming up fast! As we approach Thanksgiving and Christmas, your employees will likely want to take time off from work to spend with their families. Do you have a plan that keeps your production at needed levels during this holiday season?

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