Creating a safe environment in my business

Safety Beyond the Site: Mental Health in the Construction Industry
Discover the hidden risk of mental health in the construction industry, where the unseen hazards of anxiety, stress, and depression need urgent attention.
Tips for Fostering a Safe Office Work Environment
Working in an office setting sometimes gives a false sense of safety and security. While an office may not have the heavy machinery of a manufacturing plant or employees working from heights as in construction, a general office setting still has risks. This article will outline some of the risks and what you can do to mitigate the effects of these risks in your office.
Crashes cost motor carriers money! Whether it is in bent up metal, lost cargo, or an injured employee, the costs add up. But did you know slips, trips, and falls may be the industry’s most overlooked and underappreciated threat to drivers’ health and well-being? In fact, an article in points out that almost 80 percent of trucker fall injuries occur close to the cab and not the trailer, box, catwalk, etc., and more than half occur when dismounting.
Falls are a leading cause of workplace injuries, especially in the construction industry. So what can be done to combat this?
The construction industry is especially impacted by heat since work is often performed outdoors in less-than-ideal temperatures and conditions. However, hazardous heat exposure can occur indoors or outdoors and during any season, not only during heat waves. Fortunately, safety measures can be put into place to prevent serious illness and fatalities due to heat exposure.

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