Everyday Fire Hazards in Your Home & How to Avoid Them

Discover the common fire hazards lurking in your house & learn how to prevent them. Keep your home safe with expert tips on avoiding devastating fires.
May 15, 2024 | Home
By: Addie A.
Addie has a wide range of personal insurance experience and with her position at Acuity, has been able to specialize in homeowners insurance. On top of her homeowners insurance knowledge, Addie has a good understanding of the insurance industry in general. She focuses on the consumer allowing her to play a key role in product development. Also, she is currently working towards an Associate in General Insurance designation. In her free time Addie spends time outdoors and enjoys playing and watching sports.

Author of Home Focus

According to the National Fire Protection Association, local fire departments responded to 1.35 million fires in 2021. And unfortunately, these fires cause upwards of $16 billion in damages annually. The good news is that many of these fires can be prevented by simply being aware of fire hazards around your home or apartment.


Are you at home now? If so, take a look around and see if you can find any of these common fire hazards.

  • Worn or frayed electrical cords.
  • Space heaters. Should be at least 3 feet away from anything that can catch fire.
  • A buildup of lint in your dryer. Clean the lint screen on your dryer frequently, and don’t run the dryer without it.
  • Open flames. Keep candles in a secure holder that cannot be tipped over.


If you see any of these items, it is important to correct them immediately. Also, here are a few bonus home safety tips to help you prevent fires.

  • Make sure you have the right electrical cord for the job.
  • Don’t overload outlets or extension cords.
  • Don’t leave Christmas tree lights on overnight or when not at home.
  • If you smoke, consider smoking outside. Don’t smoke in bed when you’re tired.
  • Keep matches, lighters, and other ignition sources out of the reach of children.
  • Be alert when cooking and don’t leave food unattended.


Don’t become a statistic. Be aware of fire safety hazards around your home and stay safe!

By: Addie A.
Addie has a wide range of personal insurance experience and with her position at Acuity, has been able to specialize in homeowners insurance. On top of her homeowners insurance knowledge, Addie has a good understanding of the insurance industry in general. She focuses on the consumer allowing her to play a key role in product development. Also, she is currently working towards an Associate in General Insurance designation. In her free time Addie spends time outdoors and enjoys playing and watching sports.

Author of Home Focus