Leading the Fight Against Insurance Fraud

Discover the shocking truth behind the $300 billion problem plaguing the insurance industry. From staged accidents to exaggerated claims, learn how Acuity's Special Investigations Unit is leading the charge against insurance fraud. Don't miss out on how this hidden crime affects honest consumers and what you can do to help fight it!
October 11, 2024 | Agent
By: Michael V.
Michael has nearly 30 years of insurance industry experience that spans both commercial and personal lines. As Senior Correspondent for Acuity, he is responsible for creating a wide range of communications designed to inform and educate Acuity's customers and agents. Michael holds the Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) designation.

Author of Infocus

A recent article in Forbes highlighted what agents know all too well: insurance fraud is a pervasive problem in the insurance industry. Fraud is the second-most expensive white-collar crime in the U.S., costing over $300 billion annually—equating to $900 per consumer.


Insurance fraud can be hard fraud—a deliberate act to collect money, such as by staging or faking an accident—or soft fraud—exaggerating a legitimate claim to increase a payout. Regardless of the type of fraud involved, Acuity works to detect and fight it, and our Special Investigations Unit (SIU) leads this effort.


“Our investigators have a diverse background of training, experience, and advanced certifications. When fraud is suspected, our team uses industry databases, social media, technology, and old-fashioned detective work to combat it to ensure our honest customers don’t end up paying the price,” says Special Investigations Unit Manager Michael Rindt.


Fighting fraud


Agents. Independent agents are an essential frontline defense, detecting when something isn’t right and forwarding it to us for investigation—a suspicious claim, an insurance certificate that doesn’t seem legitimate, and more.


Claims Representatives. Acuity’s fraud analytics model provides real-time information on whether fraud may be associated with a claim. Claims representatives use this information and their training and experience to determine whether to refer a claim to the SIU.


Underwriters. Underwriters are another important frontline fraud defense. Backdating coverage is a common type of fraud reported by underwriting.


Analytics. In addition to assisting claims personnel in evaluating claims, the fraud analytics model can identify those claims that have a high propensity to be fraudulent and notify the SIU of these claims immediately, allowing for early review and intervention if necessary.


Everyone! We all can play a part in combating insurance fraud! If you suspect fraud, call our hotline at 800.242.7666.


Our investigations have resulted in referrals to state and local authorities and successful criminal prosecution. Together, we are leading the fight against insurance fraud!  

By: Michael V.
Michael has nearly 30 years of insurance industry experience that spans both commercial and personal lines. As Senior Correspondent for Acuity, he is responsible for creating a wide range of communications designed to inform and educate Acuity's customers and agents. Michael holds the Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) designation.

Author of Infocus