3 Tips to Research a Home's Seller to Help Your Buyer

As a real estate agent, you have your hands full. From cultivating new clients and staying abreast of homes on the market to embracing the latest trends in creating desirable offers, your work can be endless.
February 14, 2023 | Real-estate

As a real estate agent, you have your hands full. From cultivating new clients and staying abreast of homes on the market to embracing the latest trends in creating desirable offers, your work can be endless.


When your buyer’s eye is on a house represented by another agent, it is common to contact the agent to learn as much as you can about the home and seller. However, keeping the seller's best interest in mind, the agent may be unwilling to fully divulge information about the seller and their motivation. Here are three tips to ensure you are researching the seller to the highest level for your client.


  1. Research the sellers on social media websites.
    • Look for information about the home. Not only might they be proudly posting before and after pictures of a home renovation, but they may also post about a water backup claim, complaints about noise in the neighborhood, or news stories about the community.
    • Have they posted anything about themselves lately? Are there recent posts showing their kids leaving for college? Did they accept a new job in another city or state? The seller may not share these little tidbits directly with you, but this might tip the scale for understanding just how motivated they are to sell.
  2. Research the home’s history. This may seem obvious, but quick turnover on a home may mean a motivated buyer or issues with the property. On the flip side, a long-term owner could mean an emotional connection between the buyer and their long-time home, or it could indicate that the home is in need of repair and the owner would rather sell than undertake the needed updates.
  3. Check out online government records. If public records are easily accessible in your state, it may be beneficial to further research the seller’s record. Have they recently married or divorced? Is there any other information out there that may help you understand the seller? You may uncover information that is paramount in staging the appropriate offer.


Taking the time to research and understand the seller and why the home is on the market can help you and your buyer in the long run. This will enable you to best assist your buyer in finding their next home.