Thinking about retirement

How to Save for Retirement as a Small Business Owner
As a small business owner, you might feel saving for retirement is too complicated or too expensive. However, you shouldn’t rely solely on your business as a retirement plan; it’s risky and often doesn’t work out as expected.
5 Ways to Protect Yourself Against Identity Theft
With identity theft on the rise, protecting your personal information is more crucial than ever. Uncover effective ways to keep yourself and your information safe.
The winter season is upon us, meaning shorter, busier days. As the cold weather sets in and holiday travel and festivities approach, home-buying traffic decreases substantially—often up to 50% of what it is during other times of the year. For you, as a real estate agent, this means new considerations when selling homes.
A board of directors is a group of elected or appointed members who collectively oversee the activities of a company or organization. You’re busy running and managing a business, so why would you dedicate your valuable time to managing another organization's operations? Serving on a board of directors, whether for a nonprofit or a company, provides personal and professional benefits that are worth considering.
As manufacturers, there are certain things we are all dealing with. The skills gap isn’t going away, technology is evolving faster than ever before, and the competitive nature of manufacturing is growing on a national and global scale.
New Year’s doesn’t feel that long ago, but it’s already April! What was your resolution? Have you committed to it and followed through?
Insurance can definitely be confusing, and understanding what is or isn’t covered under your homeowners or renters insurance policy is no exception. You probably have a lot of items in your home or apartment, which may include some valuable, higher-cost items. Even though these high-value articles may be covered by your homeowners or renters insurance, the coverage is limited in many cases.

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