Planning a smart home

Benefits of a Smart Thermostat
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, heating and cooling account for nearly half of a home’s energy costs—over $900 each year. Smart thermostats can help control costs by providing more control over home temperature. A smart thermostat is a Wi-Fi enabled device that automatically adjusts temperature settings in your home for optimal performance.
The Internet of Things Is More Than Entertainment
IoT—how can three letters sound so complicated? Well, fortunately, it doesn’t have to. IoT stands for Internet of Things or connected technology. If you have an app on your smartphone to monitor something at home, you are taking advantage of IoT.
Is your furnace on the fritz? As fall turns to winter and your furnace becomes a vital part of your home, it is important to take the time to perform system checks and annual maintenance.
Smart gadgets are no longer a thing of the future that we see on television, it is now a reality we live everyday. As our technology becomes more connected, it isn’t out of the ordinary for your phone to control your TV, adjust the temperature of your home, and even make sure your coffee is hot in the morning.

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