Benefits of Using a Fishbone Diagram

To identify and solve root cause, we need to ask as many “whys” as we can. This is where the fishbone diagram comes in and helps us to ask “why” until we have identified all potential causes and determined the root cause.
January 11, 2021 | Manufacturer
By: Michael S.
I have over 40 years experience in a broad range of manufacturing areas. Starting with an apprenticeship in Germany I’ve worked my way through a variety of positions within the manufacturing field. I got my start as a Tool and Die maker. I next became a supervisor of a class A tool room, then manager of a machining department. I was exposed to lean manufacturing in the mid 90s and adapted the lean philosophy. Loving and teaching the lean approach, I moved on to become a Continuous Improvement manager which led to a job as a manufacturing manager. I joined Acuity in 2015 as their manufacturing expert. I hope to evolve how manufacturers deal with and think about insurance companies, as well as be a resource to my fellow employees – enabling them to better understand the unique needs of manufacturers.

To identify and solve root cause, we need to ask as many “whys” as we can. This is where the fishbone diagram comes in and helps us to ask “why” until we have identified all potential causes and determined the root cause.


  • Highly visible – Everyone can see it.
  • Organized – If you get lost or lose focus you can pick up where you left off.
  • Systematic – Provides a methodical approach to root cause search.
  • Standard - Provides a standardized tool for the whole organization for root cause identification.
  • Documentation – Establishes a historical document of what was identified, has been implemented, and will be . pursued in the future.
  • Ease of use – A fishbone is simple to use and can be taught readily to the organization to help identify root causes.
  • Employee empowerment – Will help create a culture where everyone’s insight and knowledge matter and problems will be solved together.


Continue reading to learn how to create a fishbone diagram.

By: Michael S.
I have over 40 years experience in a broad range of manufacturing areas. Starting with an apprenticeship in Germany I’ve worked my way through a variety of positions within the manufacturing field. I got my start as a Tool and Die maker. I next became a supervisor of a class A tool room, then manager of a machining department. I was exposed to lean manufacturing in the mid 90s and adapted the lean philosophy. Loving and teaching the lean approach, I moved on to become a Continuous Improvement manager which led to a job as a manufacturing manager. I joined Acuity in 2015 as their manufacturing expert. I hope to evolve how manufacturers deal with and think about insurance companies, as well as be a resource to my fellow employees – enabling them to better understand the unique needs of manufacturers.