Graduating college

A First-Time Homebuyers Guide to Insurance
Buying your first home can be stressful, but your first homeowners insurance policy doesn't have to be. Acuity Insurance's first-time homeowners insurance guide helps you through the process.
5 Ways to Beat Stress
We are often told to stay calm and not to worry, but that is easier said than done. Stress can be found everywhere in life. Stress can be caused by family issues, the house not being clean, being overwhelmed at work, and other everyday annoyances, or it can be caused by an uncertain situation in your life, such as a major bill or illness, having high expectations for a situation that doesn’t turn out as well as you hoped, or taking on the stress of your loved ones.
According to a study by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, only 57% of renters have renters insurance – which means about 25 million apartment households are not covered. Although renters insurance may not be required by your landlord, there are several important reasons to protect yourself while renting.
Ever thought about a career in insurance? Probably not—unless you know someone who works in the insurance industry. If you are thinking about college, interested in a career change, or just curious, consider some of the following benefits of a career in insurance.
In the age of technology and “needing” information now, more consumers are moving to the Internet to get their insurance information instead of utilizing an independent agent. Unfortunately, those who bypass an agent are missing out on valuable expertise and advice without even realizing it.

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