5 Ideas of What To Do With Your Tax Refund

Maximize your tax refund! Discover 5 smart ways to use your refund, from paying off debt to saving for the future. Make your refund work for you!
May 15, 2024 | General
By: Addie A.
Addie has a wide range of personal insurance experience and with her position at Acuity, has been able to specialize in homeowners insurance. On top of her homeowners insurance knowledge, Addie has a good understanding of the insurance industry in general. She focuses on the consumer allowing her to play a key role in product development. Also, she is currently working towards an Associate in General Insurance designation. In her free time Addie spends time outdoors and enjoys playing and watching sports.

Author of Home Focus

Getting a tax refund? You’re not alone. 


Most Americans overpay their federal taxes each year. The IRS reports that 64% of filers received a refund in 2023, and the average individual refund for 2023 was $2,753!


It’s tempting to look at this refund as a windfall. While there’s nothing wrong with using your refund for a vacation, tickets to a sporting event, or a shopping spree, you may want to consider using your refund to:


  • Pay off debt—especially high-interest credit card debt. 

  • Contribute to your retirement or health savings account. 

  • Add to your emergency fund if you don’t already have 8-12 months of expenses saved.

  • Tackle some needed home repairs or renovations.

  • Prepare for the future by contributing to a child’s 529 college savings plan. 


You may also want to consider donating to your favorite charity. 


It’s hard to resist the allure of doing something fun with your refund, but it's worth looking at your overall financial picture for other priorities before the money is gone. 

By: Addie A.
Addie has a wide range of personal insurance experience and with her position at Acuity, has been able to specialize in homeowners insurance. On top of her homeowners insurance knowledge, Addie has a good understanding of the insurance industry in general. She focuses on the consumer allowing her to play a key role in product development. Also, she is currently working towards an Associate in General Insurance designation. In her free time Addie spends time outdoors and enjoys playing and watching sports.

Author of Home Focus